Teaching in China
English opens the mind, education touches the heart.
Awards and Recognition
The most distinctive foreign language institution in Shanghai in 2016

The most distinctive foreign language institution in Shanghai in 2016

Awarded by : MeiTuan

China's online education top 100

China's online education top 100

Awarded by : Zhong jiao Media

The most influential foreign language education institution in 2012

The most influential foreign language education institution in 2012

Awarded by: Sina education

The most influential foreign language education institution in 2012

The most influential foreign language education institution in 2012

Awarded by: Sina education

USA TESOL foreign English teacher cooperation partner

USA TESOL foreign English teacher cooperation partner

Issued by: TESOL China Headquarters

The most popular professional training institutions

The most popular professional training institutions

Awarded by: 2013-2014 "Training" magazine

Shanghai Excellent Foreign Language Education Institution

Shanghai Excellent Foreign Language Education Institution

Awarded by: Shanghai Moring Post & SH.QQ.COM

Received major investment by the famous Chinese Company HUJIANG.COM

Received major investment by the famous Chinese Company HUJIANG.COM


The most influential foreign language education institution in 2012

The most influential foreign language education institution in 2012

Awarded by: Sina education